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The Texas Chapter

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My name is Nicole and I am new to the South! Getting here was quite an ordeal, but I'm finally here! Safe and sound! In the up coming weeks, I would love to share with you the many adventures of my housewife/motherly failures! Don't be discouraged just yet, they usually come with a side of laughter. So enjoy my blogs and let me know what you think sometimes!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Personal Attack

     Here it is, 1:53AM and I have been ridding my house of MAGGOTS!  Yes, you heard me right.  MAGGOTS.  As in, those nasty, white, creepy crawlies that you associate with dead animals, and dirtiness.  I keep my house clean all the time!  Heck, I even move all my furniture everytime I wash the floors...which happens a FEW TIMES A WEEK!  So how on Earth did I end up with maggots all over my downstairs?!  YUCK!  It took me a little bit to figure out where they were coming from, and they were UNDER my trashcan.  Which, by the way, was emptied TWO DAYS AGO.  There is no food in it either!  I don't understand!  How did this happen?
     So all I am doing is sweeping, (flushing maggots), and bleaching my floors.  I threw the trashcan in the dump.  First thing in the morning, the maintanence man is going to call the exterminator to have him spray down my house.  I'm supposed to be heading to my mom's early in the morning to spend a couple of days with her, and then bring my daughter back down.  I didn't leave tonight so that I could get a little sleep before the 600+ mile drive to her house.  Now that's not going to happen!  I'm going to spend the rest of my night bleaching the entire house.  I haven't seen a new maggot in a little over an hour, so I'm hoping that I got to them soon enough that they aren't going to take over my whole house.
     What if my daughter had been here?  What if they had gotten into the laundry and ended up in her bed?  What if I hadn't found them before I left for CO?  They weren't even IN the trash, they were UNDER it.  What sense does that make?  Even once I get my whole house cleaned, and I take a nice hot shower, I still won't be able to sleep because I know I'm going to have the creepy crawlies all night!  There were so many of them!  It definitly could have been worse, but still!  Really?  I mean, really?!
     So I'm going to say this one time:  Lord, I love You and I appreciate all You are, but my family has had enough!  I can't take on anymore!  I'm at my wits end.  Please, PLEASE bring on some calm for us soon!  Thank You Lord!  In Your name, AMEN!

Thanks for listenin'!

Wonderful Me

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