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The Texas Chapter

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My name is Nicole and I am new to the South! Getting here was quite an ordeal, but I'm finally here! Safe and sound! In the up coming weeks, I would love to share with you the many adventures of my housewife/motherly failures! Don't be discouraged just yet, they usually come with a side of laughter. So enjoy my blogs and let me know what you think sometimes!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Brave Lil' Toaster

"If you think you have it tough, read history books."  --> Bill Maher
     The title of this entry has nothing to do with me.  Although lately, I have found that I'm not so down and out about everything.  Perhaps you can call it acceptance?  At least I will.
     No, the title of this blog I am dedicating to my dear, dear friend Kacy.  This isn't the first time that I have written about her, but I find inspiration from her.  She inspires me in my faith, attitude, and life in general.  She's had some not so good luck since her recent PCS move, and yet, she trys with all her might to chin up.  Find the good.  Where's the silver lining?  And if all else fails, she just finds comfort in her boys.  So--Kacy, I know you're reading this.  This is to you, my brave lil' toaster!

     On to other news:  I think I may have landed a job today!  And it's actually the job I have been hoping for.  Here's a little background.

     In February, I applied for a job at a local gas station.  I had been talking to the manager, but my application had some issues submitting, but at least I had developed a report with the him.  Once everything went through, he told me that I am the person he wants to hire, but he needed to figure out when he could do a 1st and 2nd interview with me and his boss.  This whole process took almost a month!  So while waiting on the call for a job interview, I headed to CO so that my lil girl could spend sometime with my mom before things get crazy busy.  While up there, I received a call, and a date was set for my interview.  In all the commotion that happened these past few weeks, I had to cancel the interview since I wasn't going to be in town for it.  Well, finally everything settled down, and I just assumed he had hired someone else since it had been so long.  I went into the store to apologize for missing my interview (I did call and cancel it though) since I knew he had gone out on a limb for me.  Come to find out, he held the job for me!  He held the job for THREE WEEKS!  Crazy, huh?  Well, I talked to him on Friday, and today I had my interview with his boss (we just bi-passed the 1st interview altogether), and his boss said it was his choice.  He said that he wants to hire me, he just has to push my background check through!  I am super excited about working again!  It has been a long time coming!  GAH!  I miss the workforce so much!

     I know some of you mght be thinking, "Really?  A gas station?"  And my answer is yes.  A gas station.  The hours work perfectly with daycare hours, the manager is willing to work with me, there's a lot of room for advancing within the company, and they pay for college!  I can't wait to get started, and send my sweet baby girl off to preschool.  She's gonna love it too!

"Tough times never last, but tough people do."  -->Robert H. Schuller 
Thanks for listenin'!

Wonderful Me


  1. Nothing too terrible has happened to me. I've got nothing to complain about! You're the brave one.
    Congrats on the job. I know this will help you so much (and Izzy, too!). She'll love being able to play with people her age.

  2. Thanks! I am really excited about it! I'm sure Izzy will be too once she steps foot inside the preschool!
