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The Texas Chapter

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My name is Nicole and I am new to the South! Getting here was quite an ordeal, but I'm finally here! Safe and sound! In the up coming weeks, I would love to share with you the many adventures of my housewife/motherly failures! Don't be discouraged just yet, they usually come with a side of laughter. So enjoy my blogs and let me know what you think sometimes!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bad Luck Charms

"A stout heart breaks bad luck." -->Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

     Yep.  That sounds about right.  I suppose you can say that at least our life is relatively predictable now a days.  B will not feel well, Izzy will go #2 twice a day, and once every two months our Honda Accord will be in a wreck.  Yeah, that definitly sounds right.
     So if you guessed it, B was in a wreck in our Honda Accord today.  That makes accident #4 since October.  If I were our insurance company, I would assume that the drivers were reckless.  But here's the countdown in case you missed out on all the fun!
1. Georgia, stopped at a red light, rear-ended by drunk driver.  B was injured and was the only one in the car.
2. Texas, driving in flat lands, boulder fell on car.  I was driving with Izzy in the back seat.
3. Texas, cut off by truck and ended up with a chip the size of a half dollar in my windshield.
   And this brings us to today.  B was turning around, and a drunk driver ran a stop sign.  The three men got out to see if B was okay.  They exchanged phone numbers, and B gave them our insurance info, but when he turned around to get there's, they took off.  So B called our insurance company, told them what happened, and later got ahold of the driver with the number he was given.  Turns out, the guy doesn't have a license and he wanted us to tell the insurance company that his girlfriend was driving.  Sorry dude, you took off.  And I feel no sympathy for you.  Driving with no license.  Drunk.  Then you take off?  Really?  Get real.

    Honestly I don't even get upset anymore.  B wasn't hurt.  We don't have to pay for damages.  Heck, maybe things really are starting to turn around for us. 

Well, that's all for now!  Thanks for listenin'!

"In bad luck, hold out; in good luck, hold in."  -->German Proverb
Wonderful Me


  1. Geez, I think I'm going to bubble wrap your whole family lady!

  2. You know what, Heather? I think that is a really good idea!
