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The Texas Chapter

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My name is Nicole and I am new to the South! Getting here was quite an ordeal, but I'm finally here! Safe and sound! In the up coming weeks, I would love to share with you the many adventures of my housewife/motherly failures! Don't be discouraged just yet, they usually come with a side of laughter. So enjoy my blogs and let me know what you think sometimes!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Food Stamps and Bed Time

"Your food stamps will be stopped effective March 1992 because we received notice that you passed away.  May God bless you.  You may reapply if there is a change in your circumstances." ~>Unknown
     Man-oh-man are there a LOT of people on food stamps down here.  And it blows my mind because those who I would think would possibly need the help always pay cash or with a personal debit card.  Then I get these people about my age, who SEEM to be in perfect health....and they pay for their food items with a "Lonestar" card (aka, food stamps).  Now, I'm not pretending that I know their circumstances by any means, but it just seems like there are a whole lot of people using the system when they really might not need it.  And then there are those who actually DO need it, and they can't seem to get the help they need.  Come on, you and I both know that there are quite a few people out there who work the system so that they don't have to do any other kind of 'work.'  So I ask you why, in a city plentiful with jobs are there people who appear to be in better health than me living off food stamps?  And yes, you heard that right.  "A city plentiful with jobs..."  I have been told several times that there are many, many, many places hiring right now. But why would anyone get a job and earn $800 a month, when they can sit at home collecting $600 worth of food stamps instead?  I really have never understood how anyone with a conscience take, and take, and take when they CAN work.  Those who are ABLE to, but refuse?  Besides...I have always felt better when I have a job than when I don't.  I guess we are just two very different breeds of people.

     Izzy woke up this morning with a fever of 103.6.  I called in because I didn't know when B would be home from work, but he arrived back at home at 8:45 this morning, so I made it to work less than an hour late!  It was so great to be able to go in, and know that my two greatest loves were hanging out at home, taking a chill pill for a bit.  He has tomorrow off too, which works out perfectly (since she won't be going to Preschool until she is better) because I have work tomorrow from 8-2ish.  Her fever keeps spiking everytime one of her meds (motrin and tylenol) wears off.  If that continues tomorrow morning, B is going to run her in to the doctor to make sure it's not something more than a viral infection.  Then she'll have the whole weekend to R&R! 

     Things are great here!  We watched "How To Train Your Dragon" and it was really good!  Loved it!

Anyways, that's about all I have to say at the moment.  Ya'll take care now!

"Every human has four endowments-self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination.  These give us the ultimate human freedom...The power to choose, to respond, to change." ~>Stephan R. Covey   
Thanks for listenin'!

Wonderful Me

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